The Importance of Clarity

Amanda Marie Goldston
1 min readJul 21, 2021
Photo by Ethan Hoover on Unsplash

Clarity is a beautiful thing.

In life, when you finally realize what your next move is (or isn’t).

In relationships, when you finally see someone for who they really are, or are finally able to accept them for who they really are.

In business, when you finally understand what it is the client actually wants from you, or the products that will make consumers flock to your website.

Clarity is underrated.

It gives you the knowledge to make choices, and the confidence that those choices are based on something other than pure speculation.

It gives you the answers to the questions that have been plaguing your consciousness and helps to settle those restless ‘what if’ thoughts.

Clarity is a challenge to get.

Everyone lies, or misleads, or tries to put a spin on things to illicit a certain response.

Echo chambers perpetuate nonsense and reinforce only one viewpoint, even though there are often two sides to every story.

People often don’t know what they want, so they struggle through life… trying new things and acting like different people and getting involved in polar opposite relationships… all to reach this fraction of a lightbulb moment.

Clarity gives you peace, but it will make you work for it.

